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Units We Run
The Medical Research Institute (MRI) is the premier center in the country for bio-medical and applied health research. MRI conducts research in diversified areas in the fields of Virology, Bacteriology, Parasitlogy, Rabies, Nutrition, Biochemistry, Histo-Pathology, Hematology, Immunology, Entomology, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Mycology, Health Informatics and Animal Studies.
MRI currently provides training to a verity of Diplomas and post graduate causes as well. The diploma causes are MLT and Entomology . The postgraduate causes are Virology, Bacteriology, Parasitlogy, Chemical Pathology, Histo-Pathology, Haematology, Immunology, , Molecular Biology, Mycology and Transfusion Medicine which are conducted by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.
MRI is also a major service provider for all hospitals in Sri Lanka with special and specific diagnostic laboratory tests. It also functions as a National Reference Laboratory for Japanese encephalitis, measles, rubella and influenza and as the regional reference laboratory for poliomyelitis.